Hannah Woodward

My work has always been grounded in the beauty of the natural world. In urban environments, while studying in Leeds, I spent time documenting the weeds that grow out of the pavements and creating landscapes that could be familiar to anyone, as a way of accessing spaces in which I felt comfortable. Returning home after three years away has increased my awareness that in my previous work I had been trying to distantly record plants and landscapes as a personal means of reaching for comfort, security and ultimately, family. While spending the last few months at home, the conclusion I have come to is that my concentration on these subject matters is a result of my family’s enjoyment of gardening; this revelation has inspired my most recent work. The documentation of the familial connections that exist between my family, their plants and gardening through print and archival exploration is now I believe at the centre of my practice. Therefore, my work is increasingly about exploring the meaning of genealogy and more specifically the hobbies such as gardening that intertwine generations.

Instagram: artyhannah13